Pornography is Waging War Against Your Productivity

Pornography is Waging War Against Your Productivity

Porn addiction is a loop involving dopamine, the Coolidge Effect, and your brain’s plasticity.

According to data from the SEMrush Traffic Analytics tool, as of May 2021 porn sites received more website traffic in the U.S. than Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, Pinterest, and LinkedIn combined

If you've ever come across a list of things to do to improve your life they typically say things like: Exercise, Get some sun, Sleep for 8 hours minimum, eat healthy, etc. But no one ever mentions how the act of PMO (pornography, masturbation, orgasm) decreases our productivity. I mean if we just present the problem at face value; less time with your hands on your knob and more time with them on your keyboard will obviously increase productivity but it goes much deeper than that.

Every Organism on Earth has Two Jobs: Survive and Reproduce

In order to survive, you need food, water, shelter, and love. The last might not even be true but without it I don't see why anyone would want to survive so I'm adding it to the list.

In order to reproduce you have to have sex.

Now you can't really trick your brain into thinking you've done the necessary tasks for survival because well? You'd eventually die. When your brain tells you to complete the survival task list you go inside, grab a bite to eat, and wash it down with a glass of water. There's no tricking the brain into thinking you did any of those things. Sex on the other hand, is a completely different story. There's a force of nature inside most of us that requires the spreading of our DNA. Now once that DNA leaves our bodies, the brain doesn't know where it went. All your brain knows is that your belly is full, you're not getting rained on tonight, and you've completed the act of reproducing.

Now What?

Now nothing, if you ask me. Your brain thinks you've completed all of the required tasks and now you can just hangout until you need to complete one of the tasks again. It's as simple as that and if you take a look around you, you'll see it reflected quite often. It's not a secret that people in the U.S. are often times overweight, undereducated, lacking meaningful connections, struggling with mental health issues, and aren't living to their fullest potentials. Obviously we have to blame some of that on genetics and socio-economic situations that people were born into without their control, but on the flip side of that coin I think there's a huge elephant in the room that no one is talking about. Internet Pornography

Dopamine, Dopamine, Dopamine...

When we engage in an activity—particularly a pleasurable activity, and particularly if it involves repetition and intense focus—our brains alter themselves so that they’ll be better and more efficient at doing that activity the next time.

Your brain will literally alter itself to become more in tune with porn consumption. If we are getting enough dopamine and we are completing life's natural tasks there's not much driving force to make us do more. How do you know if you're affected by PMO? Try never doing it again. Most people don't even realize they're addicted to anything until they try to stop.

Life Without Pornography

When you don't have that easy out for satisfaction. When the usual way for coping with frustration is gone, you start to dig deep. Your brain forces you to tackle life with more fire. Satisfaction from the "status quo" of your old life doesn't come as easy. You start to take on more difficult challenges in the pursuit of triumph. You start to look at your peers with a more realistic image. Relationships become healthier and bonds start to grow deeper roots. You start taking better care of yourself physically and mentally. Have you ever asked someone what makes them happy in life and received "porn" as their answer?

Not Convinced?

Here's a list of what the porn industry and its users perpetuate in our society

  • Sexual Violence

  • Sex Trafficking

  • Poor Ability to Become Aroused

  • Negative Sexual and Mental Health

  • Poor Self-Esteem

  • Racism

  • Feelings of Shame

  • Unrealistic Perception of Relationships

  • Sexism

In Short,

Next time you find yourself getting frustrated to the point of opting to PMO, remember: Dopamine released by PMO gives us a false sense of accomplishment. If you engage in this behavior but don't think you have a problem, think about how the industry effects society on a larger scale. Is it not ethically wrong to support a system of abuse?

If you would like more information on this topic and how it effects the lives of those around the world

Please visit: Fight The New Drug